Tag Archives: Unilag

Momoh named president of Unilag Alumni

John Momoh, CEO of Channels Television Group and chairman of the Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON), has been named national president of the University of Lagos (Unilag) Alumni Association.

John Momoh

Momoh was selected from three other candidates and is himself a former student at Unilag.

According to Nigerian national newspaper ThisDay, a press statement was issued by the association, stating the results of the elections held at its recent annual general meeting.

Each member of the association ruling committee is expected to bring about innovations, thereby moving the association to ‘greater heights’. In lieu of this, Momoh is said to have provided a 10-point agenda for the association.

Meanwhile, before the announcement of Momoh’s new appointment, a report was published last week stating that Abdulateef Abdulsalam, a member of the association, had filed a suit to prevent the election.

He allegedly stated that some members of the association had planned to elect a new president undemocratically through “an illegal body known as body of past presidents, a search team and an unregistered 2015 constitution”.

The court adjourned the case to September 17 and ordered the suspension of any electoral activities by the committee.

However, since the recent announcement of the election results, no comment has been made by the claimant nor was any made by the Alumni Association addressing the allegations.

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Lagos Uni to launch TV channel

Professor Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, vice-chancellor of the University of Lagos (Unilag), has announced that Unilag TV will launch in February, reports Gabriella Opara.

Oluwatoyin Ogundipe

Recently granted a licence by Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari, Unilag TV will be the first campus-based television channel in Nigeria. It will focus on research-oriented education and ease communication within and outside the university community.

Professor Ogundipe said: “The approval to operate a television station will improve our branding; we are bringing in professionals to help kick-start the station.”

According to the vice-chancellor, Unilag competed against 19 universities to win a US$5m grant from the World Bank in order to supply Unilag TV with a world-class studio, equipment and other gadgets. He also said the university has paid N10m to have its station licensed.

Professor Ogundipe also expressed his gratitude to the former vice-chancellor, Professor Rahamon Bello, and Professor Ralf Akinfeleye of the Department of Mass Communication for their work in pursuing the dream of getting a TV station for the university.

“It is now on record that the present administration signed the first campus TV licence and we remain deeply grateful to the president. The university is a brand. We want the university to be the research hub in Africa, and we are working towards being among the best three in the entire continent,” the vice-chancellor said.

Dr Olubunmi Ajibade, senior lecturer in the communication department, said: “We train people for the industry, so we are in the best position to attract the best hands.”

Unilag TV will air on MultiChoice-owned DSTV, one of Nigeria’s leading pay TV platforms, ensuring that everyone within and outside the country has access to the channel.

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