Arise TV, the broadcast arm of newspaper ThisDay, has launched an Election Analysis Centre (EAC) in preparation for the forthcoming general election in Nigeria.

The EAC opened on February 14 having been set up in partnership with the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), the National Democratic Institute, online newspaper TheCable and other Nigerian media organisations.
In tandem with the EAC opening, a new TV programme titled #Decision2019 was launched recently in partnership with Arise TV. The EAC is situated in the Central Business District of Abuja.
CDD director Idayat Hassan said: “Together with the station, we shall televise the analysis centre on the flagship programme. This is to create a platform for impartial analysis using evidence and data to explain polls to the citizens.
“The programme will also inform voters about procedural matters and arrangements that are made for the conduct of the elections, serve as a non-partisan platform for INEC [the Independent National Electoral Commission ] to communicate its messages to the electorate.”
About 3,500 trained observers will be deployed to closely monitor the elections in all 36 states. According to Hassan, there will also be a GPS-enabled CDD election tracker to enable proper accreditation and voting processes as well as a fact-checking team to counter fake news during the elections.
The EAC is intended to be the one-stop shop for analysis and plans to give accurate reports on events before, during and after the election. Arise TV can be accessed in more than 56 countries.
tagged in: #Decision2019, Arise TV, Centre for Democracy and Development, Idayat Hassan, National Democratic Institute, TheCable, ThisDay