Tag Archives: Femi Ogundoro

Maxima launches Views Channel

Lagos-based Maxima Media Group has launched a channel aimed at young people in Nigeria on both TV and digital platforms.

Targeting 16- to 35-year-olds, Views Channel is the culmination of a project that first formed 10 years ago.

Launching the new channel, Maxima MD Femi Ogundoro said:  “We want to give young people a channel to express their passion, irrespective of their discipline.

“The only platform we are trying to do now is to bridge the gap between TV and digital such that young people can express themselves. Passion can be anything – music, business, fashion or whatever.

“Our target audience is strictly 16 to 35s, who dominate the population. About 60% of them actually constitute our population, they should be given a voice.”

With a recent YouTube survey showing young people are interested in fashion, politics and other areas, Ogundoro said he felt Views Channel would enable youths to express themselves freely more than traditional TV.

However, he also highlighted the financial challenges the new channel faces in terms of paying TV platforms to air its programmes while also making content. Views Channel is due to start airing on StarTimes but further details have yet to be announced.

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