Tag Archives: DW Akademie

DFMI names business lab participants

DFMI business lab participants

The Durban FilmMart Institute (DFMI) has revealed the 30 participants that have been selected for the second edition of the DFMI business lab to be held this month.

The 12-week business skills development programme will nurture and empower those taking part with the necessary skills to effectively engage in a global market.

They will also receive training on various modules ranging from business management to intellectual property and entertainment law and distribution.

The participants are Abisola Aboaba (Nigeria), Ahmad Mahmoud (Sudan), Aissa Djouamaa (Algeria), Alyaa Musa (Sudan), Ceke Mathenge (Kenya), Crizelle Anthony (South Africa), Damilola Aleje (Nigeria), Daniel Abebe (Ethiopia), Emma Tollman (South Africa), Essam Hayder (Egypt), Fulfilment C Awaturuocha (Nigeria), Hallie Haller (South Africa), Hatibu Madudu (Tanzania), Hayat Aljowaily (Egypt), Kondwani Banda (Zambia), Marwa Abdalla (Egypt), Mary [Wanjiku] Waweru (Kenya), Mogomotsi Nsengathekwe (Botswana), Mohamed Kateb (Egypt), Nahom Abraham (Eritrea), Natasha Elkington (Kenya), Nkosilesisa Ncube (Zimbabwe), Obett Motaung (South Africa), Olivier Medjigbodo (Benin), Omolemo Nthathe (South Africa), Oprah Oyugi (Kenya), Petrus van Staden (South Africa), Phoebe Ntandegwawo (Uganda), Ruth Nazzinda (Uganda) and Wambui Gathee (Kenya).

The business lab programme is presented in partnership with DW Akademie and supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

DFMI is a non-profit company that facilitates local and international trade and investment in African film content.

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DW Akademie seeks African filmmakers

DW Akademie, a German organisation for international media development, is on the look-out for filmmakers in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda to take part in its film development scheme.

Natascha Schwanke

The Film Development Fund, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development, is a one-year fellowship programme for filmmakers who have made at least one film and have a concept or script for a feature-length documentary, fiction or hybrid feature-length film. These films will be developed and be prepared for production.

Five candidates from each country will be offered a one-year fellowship to work on developing their films, as well as receiving €10,000 (US$9,767). They will be paired with an experienced mentor and have access to training, workshops and networking opportunities.

According to the Bonn-based organisation, the first five grantees from Ethiopia have already successfully completed their one-year fellowships, while the programmes for the first five filmmakers from Tanzania and Uganda are underway.

Natascha Schwanke, DW Akademie director of media development, said: “The continued success of African films in international festivals, in theatres and even on Netflix has shown that filmmaking in Africa is on the rise. The goal of the Film Development Fund is to further support filmmakers – both established and aspiring – who are working to bring African stories to this wider audience.”

Esther Dorn-Fellermann, DW Akademie’s project manager, added: “The positive and constructive engagement between the filmmakers, mentors and experts made the inaugural programmes in all three countries a success. Opening the call for applications for all three countries at once shows DW Akademie’s continued commitment to African filmmaking.”

The DW Akademie Film Development Fund supports filmmakers in developing their film projects, promotes authentic local stories and shares them with international audiences, thereby leading to the sector’s further growth and development, the company said.

The deadline for applications is 26 October. Interested filmmakers from Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda should click here to apply.

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