Tag Archives: Cornelia O’Dwyer

Chick Chat Live returns in May

The second season of talkshow Chick Chat Live is in pre-production and will begin shooting sometime this summer, according to its host.

Cornelia O’Dwyer

Cornelia O’Dwyer has confirmed the first season of the show will air on May 28 on FoxLife, via DSTV channel 126, on Mondays at 19.10.

Chick Chat Live with Cornelia O’Dwyer aims to showcase the essence of the modern-day African woman. Through its unique conversation style, the show shares the thoughts and experiences of African women as they navigate all facets of life in the 21st century.

It is written and executive produced by O’Dwyer. She recently signed a distribution deal with FireFlies Media in tandem with The iFactory Live, the prodco behind Making of a Mogul and Make-Up Diaries.

The new partnership will mean a new direction for the show, which will explore guests from across the continent and beyond, starting with Ghana.

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